Learning foreign word exercise views

Word translate exercise view

Views for word study task module.

class ForeignExerciseParamsView(**kwargs)

Bases: ExerciseParamsView

Foreign word exercise conditions choice view.

template_name = 'foreign/exercise/foreign_translate_choice.html'

The exercise params view template path (str).

exercise_url = '/foreign/foreign-translate-demo/'

URL of the exercise to redirect to after selecting parameters (str). For example:

exercise_url = reverse_lazy('glossary:exercise')

alias of ForeignTranslateChoiceForm

save_params(*args: object, **kwargs: object) None

Save exercise params.

class WordExerciseView(**kwargs)

Bases: CheckLoginPermissionMixin, View

Foreign word translate exercise view.

template_name = 'foreign/exercise/foreign_translate_demo.html'

The view template path (str).

msg_key_error = 'Не все условия упражнения заданы'

Error message in condition (‘str’).

msg_no_words = 'По заданным условиям задание не сформировано'

Message no words found (str).

get(request: HttpRequest) HttpResponse

Display an exercise page to translate a word.

post(request: HttpRequest) JsonResponse

Render the task.

update_word_progress_view(request: HttpRequest, **kwargs: object) JsonResponse | HttpResponse

Update user word knowledge assessment view.

  • request (HttpRequest) – Request to update user word knowledge assessment.

  • kwargs (object) –

    ID of the word whose progress will be updated.

    kwargs fields:
    • 'word_id': word ID (int).


Response without data, with status 201.

Return type:


update_words_favorites_status_view_ajax(request: HttpRequest, **kwargs: Dict[str, object]) JsonResponse

Update the status of a word, is it favorite.

This view receives a request from Ajax when the user wants to update the status of a word.



Http request.

kwargsDict[str, object]

The keyword argument that contains the word_id of the word whose status should be updated.



Response with current favorite word status.

Word exercise params views

Learning foreign words exercise parameters.

class ForeignTaskSettingsView(**kwargs)

Bases: DetailView

Display user’s learning foreign words exercise settings view.


alias of TranslateParams

get_object(**kwargs: object) Model

Return the object the view is displaying.

class CreateForeignTaskSettingsView(**kwargs)

Bases: CreateView

Create Foreign task settings view.


alias of TranslateParams

class UpdateForeignTaskSettingsView(**kwargs)

Bases: UpdateView

Update Foreign task settings view.


alias of TranslateParams